Maggie Cheng
Honours Bachelor of Arts 2008
Master of Arts in English 2010
Certified GIA gemologist
2008 年榮譽文學士
GIA 認證學家

Moissanite de Moi
since 2017
Throughout the human history, wearing jewelries has become our habit. Both men and women wear different kinds of jewelleries. Even children would wear inexpensive accessories such as hair clips. Jewelries are not just a fashion or decoration, it also serves as your symbol of status.
Moissanite de Moi supports the idea of having personalities and being unique. With personalised customer service and delicately designed jewelries, we provide a way to express yourselves and show your confidence.
Moissanite de Moi 秉承著為每一位顧客帶來獨特個性的理念,以貼心的個性化服務及應有盡有的產品,提供給顧客精心打造的珠寶去表達自己,展現自信的一面。