lab grown diamond 培育鑽石

In the jewelry industry recent years, the most popular is the new darling of "lab grown diamonds".
Lab Grown diamond is a synthetic diamond that involves the application of high pressure and high temperatures to create diamond crystals. Lab-grown diamonds are almost indistinguishable from natural diamonds in appearance and quality because they are both crystallized from the element carbon. In terms of hardness, color, and refraction; the effects of cultivated diamonds and natural diamonds are also highly similar. But in terms of price, compared with natural diamonds, the price of lab grown diamonds is very different and it is much cheaper than natural diamonds. This which allows more people to own high-quality diamond jewelry without paying the exorbitant price of natural diamonds. If you are looking for diamond jewelry that can be styled differently every day, then lab-grown diamonds are for you.
培育鑽石是一種人工合成鑽石的過程,通過施加高壓和高溫來創造鑽石的結晶。培育鑽石與天然鑽石在外觀和品質上幾乎沒有區別,因為它們都是由碳元素結晶而成。而在硬度,顏色,折射度; 培育鑽石跟天然鑽石兩者的效果也是高度相似. 但是在價格上, 相比於天然鑽石,培育鑽石的價格差異很大,比起天然鑽石的價格相宜得多, 這使得更多的人能夠擁有高品質的鑽石首飾,而不需要支付天然鑽石的高昂價格。如果你追求每天都能擁有不同風格的鑽石首飾,那麼培育鑽石將非常適合你。