gia certificate

Such nonprofit institution was founded in 1931. It aims to protect all buyers and sellers of gemstones by setting and maintaining the standards used to evaluate gemstone quality.
The institute does so through research, gem identification and diamond grading services and a variety of educational programs.
The GIA Laboratory provides a variety of gem grading and identification. The Diamond grading reports for unmounted natural and laboratory grown diamonds determine their key characteristics: color, clarity, cut and carat weight.
GIA實驗室提供各種寶石分級和鑑定。 未鑲嵌的天然鑽石和實驗室種植的鑽石等級報告確定了其主要特徵:顏色,淨度,切割和主石大細。

Our moissanites are all certified by the Global Gemological Research Association Institute, which is the standard of excellence in gemstones services worldwide, since 1993. The reports have proven to be internationally recognized passport for gemstones. For decades trade professionals, throughout the world, turn to GRA. for their expertise, consistency and reliability in gemstones identification and grading.
The methodology employed by GRA’s highly trained and experienced team of hundreds of scientific technicians and gemologists, has allowed for the evolution of the perfect formula regarding gemstone procedures, report record keeping gem and jewelry security and handling GRA’s state-of-the-art laboratories are located in the heart of the gem and jewelry districts throughout the world. GRA - The Standard of Excellence in gemstones and Fine Jewelry Evaluation Worldwide.